Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sprained Ankle

So I ended up with a sprained ankle on Tuesday, Jul 27.  I was spending the day at my parents house, while they were out of town, so I could water their lawn and plants.  I was running along their stepping stones trying to avoid from getting wet from the sprinkler, when I landed wrong and my right ankle totally went to the side and I was on the ground.  It hurt so bad.  I crawled over to turn off the sprinkler and forced my self  up off the ground and into the house.  I ended up having to call my brother, who is a paramedic, over to take a look at it.  It was very swollen.  I ended up staying the night at my parents house until Thursday night when my husband came over and picked me up to take me to the doctor to get it check out.  He had me go get xrays done to make sure it wasn't fractured.  I found out that it is only badly sprained.  My ankle and heel is so bruised, it is ugly looking.  It is still a little swollen, but hopefully it will go away soon.  I have been off work since I hurt myself. I have been stuck at home with crutches, ice, and wrapping my foot.

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