Friday, March 21, 2008

We are moving

So we have finally decided that it is time for us to move back home to Washington state. We both have so many family and friends that we have missed. Besides, the Utah weather can't make up it's mind on how hot or cold it wants to be every summer and winter. I am ready for the green. We will be moving on May 8th to head up to Washington and will be there sometime on May 9th. We will be staying at my parents home for a bit until we can find a place of our own to rent. Anil won't have a job when we move up there, so he gets to do the job hunt when we get there. I will be transfering with my job, Walmart, to one of the stores around the area. it will most likely be either the Shelton store or the Lacey store, but soon as I find out, I will let you all know.

Our own family blog

We finally made our very own blog. I always like to find ways to let friends and family know about things going on in our lives. Now lets just hope that I can keep this blog updated on a regular bases.